“Families in our churches and across our nation need encouragement and equipping like never before. I believe God can use Dr. Jerry Pipes in a powerful way for a Building A Successful Family day with you and your church! ”
Here's how the Sunday One-Day Event Works:
Sunday Small Group Hour
Why Try With Your Parents?
In a humorous hard hitting format we provide students with:
3 reasons why selling out to God and working with their parents is the smartest decision they could make.
3 reason why they should give their life to Christ.
(We often see large numbers of students receive Christ and many others choose a fresh start in their relationship with Christ and their parents.)
Sunday Morning Service
Keys to Intimacy
The morning worship includes a DVD clip from the movie Hope Floats just prior to the message; this brief clip paints a powerful portrait of the tragic state of marriage in America—Isolation. The message provides hope from God’s Word through sharing the Keys to Intimacy. Though the message targets married couples, the relational principles shared apply to everyone. No one, regardless of family status, will feel left out.
Sunday Evening Pre-Service
Understanding Students in the New Millennium
Parenting Conference
We are averaging 50-75 percent of the adults (prospective parents, parents, and grandparents) who attended on Sunday morning returning for this event.
We cover the following topics during the Parenting Conference:
Passing the Baton of Your Faith on to Your Children and Grandchildren
Roofing for Maximum Protection—Building Self-Esteem
Sunday Evening Service
Communication Is
A journey through the book of Proverbs on developing a Christ like attitude, dealing with anger, learning the styles of communication, along with the basic skills needed to transform every day family life.
Remember, according to Gallup, 92% of parents in the United States say family is either their first or second greatest concern-Jerry often shares the Hope we have in Christ through the family-one of America’s greatest felt needs.
Families will learn the following:
- The Blue-Print for a Successful Family: Three key ingredients true of every successful person, business and family. A big dream, a great plan-strategy and hard work.
- How to Develop a Personal Growth Plan: Successful families are made up of successful people.
- The Keys to Intimacy: Intimacy happens when couples seek to understand and value their differences, continuously remove the obstacles to communication and understand that love is a verb…that it takes work to build and maintain a great relationship.
- Self-Esteem—Creating a Culture of Encouragement: Parents will learn the importance of self-esteem and how to build it within their mates and children.
- Building Bridges of Communication: The goal of communication is understanding. Parents and students will learn how to genuinely listen so they will truly understand what others think, feel, and want.
- Mentoring the Next Generation: Reaching and keeping the next generation of students is not complicated. Parents will learn to understand their kids and how to lead them to Christ and mentor them spiritually.
- Discipline—Building Internal Fences: True discipline is an inside job. Parents will learn the three basic parenting styles and six key steps to practicing reality discipline.
- Moving Through the Tough Times: Tough times are a part of the human condition. Parents and students will learn how to move through the tough times and be shaped by them to experience God’s best on the other side.